

Ladies and Gentleman, i m blogging! i m now literally a blogger; i can't believe this day will come when i will be sharing glimpse of my life in Blogger. i know being a blogger is not easy, you have to live up to people's expectation on you to blog, you have to be responsible on what you blog, how often you blog and how interesting your blog is... that was what pull me back from blogging..ok ok, i did have a kiddy little blog in friendster..but that is like so long ago...anyway, now my perception of blogging is.. after reading through my friends' blog,.. blogging is sharing, discussing, and encouraging. through blogging, we can share things that have been drawing our attention or our concept with friends and family... it is not bout how good your language is or how literature you sound..it can be fun and crazy and also serious or warming...is a new era kind of interaction, you see it is a two way thingy, with a person blogging, another read n give comment. encouragement and new insight is the by-product of this interaction...wow! despite of all the responsibility and expectation, i am thrill to be on board, sharing my life with others! i will make it this time... it will not be a half-hearted thingy! so, do cheer me on on my journey of blogging! :)


  1. I'm so happy we have a new fellow Blogspot blogger! Link all your friends okay! HAHAHA. I'm looking forward to read all of your "Chronicles"...

    Till then, cheers!

  2. hey hey thanks honey... still in the process of learning...:)

  3. Hello girl! Nice to see you here =) yeah, blogging is about sharing and keeping in touch. To me it helps a lot when our long lost friends would read up what we've written so far to get to know what we've been doing all these while :)

    Keep it up!

  4. hey huan ching ! thanks for sharing your blog link with me. : )
    you're right. gotta blog responsibly and always remember to bring glory to God our Father and our Saviour Jesus Christ !
    looking forward to reading some more of your chronicles. ; )
