
Summer's End/ Summer's Memories

As promise, this beautiful piece of poem is one of the gems i gained from National Conference 2010, enjoy the poem =)

Summer's End/ Summer's Memories

The broad road now diverged
Into a thousand and one ways
Each leading, to a different path
Only one can only take
As the moment of this season
Slowly reaches its very end.

Mountains and valley stand
As chasms and oceans lie dormant between us
Meeting again, most probably never
Unless our paths cross again
Down the years yonder.

So for the time we shared
While the leaaves were still green-
I hoped, you have really enjoyed
The sweetness of the summer friuts
During our walks, in the lush orchards
And down the quiet gardens......

Because I did,
and I enjoyed every one of it.
And I hope,
Even after the summer's end
The lively summer's memories
will still remain and breathe- eternal
Even when the darkness comes
And the trees turn bare;
And you will remember
This dear night wind
To whom you have lent a patient ear
and listened, to his silent whispers
whose heart you can always find
to be a faithful friend
-just because you were there,
and I found you listening.

To the friend who lent me her pencil
So that I could finish this poem:
This song of mine, I dedicate this to you.
Thank you.

All the best for the days to come
But do remember this:
That you will never be alone
Because you will always have love
Faithfully by your side
And you will always remember me
Everytime you feel the wind blows
In the middle of a silent night.

by, Seymour Nightweaver (a pseudonym)

I knew the author of this poem from NC, and really admired his gifting in impromptu delivering of his thoughts and reflections through words. Visit his blog for more poems on his reflection during NC =)

Cheerish our friendship!

Prov 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

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