
All this world needs is - Genuine Love

Little Annie
A young girl known as "Little Annie" was in a mental institution. She was kept in a dungeon and was like an animal in many ways. When the attendants came, she would spring on them; she would claw at them and try to bite them. Sometimes she would just completely ignore them. she was considered a hopeless case.
But one nurse, in whose heart there dwelt the love of God, decided that she was going to try to reach Little Annie. Day after day she would come and speak to her softly. But Little Annie would just ignore her. One day the nurse brought some fresh-baked brownies and left them outside the cage. When the nurse returned the next day, the brownies were gone. The nurse continued to bring brownies n her visits to Little Annie. Finally, at long last, Little Annie began to get better. She was allowed out of the dungeon. and the day came when she was allowed out of the institution -- because that one nurse took the time to show her love.
Many years later, the famous Helen Keller was receiving a citation from Queen Victoria of England. the Queen said to her, "How do you account for your remarkable accomplishments in life?" She replied that she owed all that she was to her dear friend, Anne Sullivan, who with her hands in hers, opened her eyes and brought her up out of a black pit and enabled her to see the light.
So that one day she could say to her, "Oh Anne, you've made me to see the trees...and I see the sky...and I see the clouds. I see... Anne, I see God!" and Anne Sullivan is that same Little Annie who, touched by love, then touched others in return.
~ Dr. D. James Kennedy

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