
chicken ala carte

I ask myself one question today : what do i have for my breakfast, lunch and dinner..teatime in between, snacks while revising notes?

I am so blessed to have enough to eat.. thank you Lord:) but...

What about these groups of people out there who struggle to get a meal, who don't have proper nutrients, who have to starve to death? have i forgotten them?! Have i done something or simply because I am just an ignorance student with no power and authority to make a difference, therefore I said to myself : you can do nothing ! ?

Funny isn't it? while there is a group of people whom declare by WHO as being obese and needed to go for expensive diet plan or other treatments, and yet, there are people who don't even have a plate of rice to provide them with daily energy source... what a huge contrast?!

Watch this award winning video clip that talk about the neglected society, and what poverty has done to them! Is a true story and I believe there are so many others similar story out there waiting to be uncover.

I also believe that God is equal. He made the mother nature with enough food sources to feed everyone of us. As a christian, actions should be taken--- to END HUNGER.

Hope that this video clip will speak to you as it has spoken to me.


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